FBFI launches blog: proclaimanddefend.org

proclaimanddefend.org(link is external)


Let me say that my firsthand dealings with Dr. Shumate (who wrote the article in question) and my local FBFI church have been extremely positive.

Unfortunately though, I suspect the FBFI will find themselves in a bit of a catch-22 with their critics. If they had done nothing they would always been charged with indifference on the matter. But doing something, like this blog/journal article, can be spun as damage control, too little to late, etc. Especially when there are people who would still like a greater degree of resolution to the Dr. Phelps issue (which I only bring up because of its fairly direct relation to the question above).

I had Dr. Shumate as my advisor when I was at BJU (He’s since left); he’s a top notch guy that I really enjoyed working with and who has a real blessing as I went through his classes on church admin. I am sure that God is using him mightily; I know that he was very concerned about reaching out to the Spanish speaking community in Greenville.

As for the FBFI - kudos to them for starting a blog; I’m looking forward to seeing what they put up in the future. I have a bunch of old Frontline mags that I’ll still look at every once in a while.

Oh, and JG - The answer is “no”. Bank on it.

"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin is...no longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells