“More than 5 in 6 U.S. Protestant pastors (84%) say their church plans to have services on Christmas Day.”

“Families have many traditions on Christmas morning, and most pastors acknowledge not as many of their members will be present compared to Christmas Eve and services earlier in the month” - BPNews


Hmmm. Didn’t Christ and Paul say something about “traditions of men”?

I suspect the 84% number is a little high. From what I’ve seen on social media, many churches are canceling Christmas Day.

Wally Morris
Huntington, IN

the last 4 months is having no Christmas Day service. I am very disappointed. It is a big deal to me.

I’d say come visit ours, but we won’t be wearing masks and we are a long way from Kansas!

Nothing is preventing you from putting one together for your family on December 25th, though.

Dave Barnhart

dcbii wrote:

I’d say come visit ours, but we won’t be wearing masks and we are a long way from Kansas!

Nothing is preventing you from putting one together for your family on December 25th, though.

I don’t wear a mask anymore… that was a year ago. I’ve been running church in my home for 2.5 years. Sermons, singing, everything.