Why Are Educated Women Leaving Church?


“women in America seem to be abandoning Christian observance more quickly than men. Political scientist Ryan Burge… recently shared survey data showing that college-educated men are now more likely to attend church weekly than college-educated women.” - Breakpoint


Why As Few As 5% Of Americans Attend Church Each Week


“Although 21% to 24% of us say we regularly attend religious services, research tracking people’s actual behavior shows that in fact the number may be as low as 5%. (Regular attendance is defined in the Post article as going to services at least three out of four weeks.)” - Religion Unplugged


Weekly Church Attendance Leads to Better Health


“Citing numerous studies and analyses, VanderWeele argues that the evidence suggests weekly religious service attendance is associated with ‘lower mortality risk, lower depression, less suicide, better cardiovascular disease survival, better health behaviors, and greater marital stability, happiness, and purpose in life.’” - Lifeway
