Christian Trump and Biden Voters Wait on the Lord ... and Ballot Counts

“Without a clear victory, Americans keep praying for candidates and the country.” - C.Today


I think I understand ‘Never Trump’ Christians who voted for a third party, but I cannot understand Christians who voted for Biden (Harris). What did they vote for exactly? More freedom of speech? Less abortion and infanticide? Higher morals? Family friendly and business friendly policies? Bigger government? Religious freedom? Weaponizing the DOJ and IRS? Jobs to China? Just what in their Christian Ethic made them vote for Biden?

Dr. Paul Henebury

I am Founder of Telos Ministries, and Senior Pastor at Agape Bible Church in N. Ca.

…that we had Donald Trump for the last four years. Without him, I wonder how this case would be decided.

I think I understand ‘Never Trump’ Christians who voted for a third party, but I cannot understand Christians who voted for Biden (Harris). What did they vote for exactly?

Just as many who lean right assume that a non-vote for Trump = a vote for Biden, many who don’t lean right assume a non-vote for Biden = a vote tor Trump. So, a % of these Christian/evangelical votes for Biden are driven by the same arguments pro-Trump voters use: you have to back one or the other “viable” candidate or your vote is “wasted.”

As an oversimplification of what a vote is, means, and accomplishes, it’s wrongheaded—whether applied to the right or to the left.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

With Paul, I find a vote for Biden by a professing Christian who claims to believe the Bible impossible to understand. Aaron’s explanation provides an interesting rationale, but not a logical explanation.

Those who voted for Trump as a vote against Biden, were also voting for Trump’s policies. Those who voted for Biden as a vote against Trump were also voting for Biden’s policies. Does anyone see a problem with Christians supporting Trump’s policies? Does anyone not see a problem with Christians supporting Biden’s policies?

I can think of only two possibilities. Either these “Christians” are not true Christians, as evidenced by their professed Christianity failing to inform their choices in life, or their willingness to ignore the strong anti-Christian agenda of Biden and his party is fueled by an emotional hatred of Trump which blinds to truth and reality.

G. N. Barkman


Your opening sentence is irrelevant to what I wrote. If you have two execrable personalities, but one of them has policies which veer towards biblical mores and the other has policies which clearly veer away (they are plainly ungodly) why would you vote (as a Christian) for the latter? It isn’t difficult. One could get you vote (or you may go 3rd party), but one ought never to get your vote. To vote that way is to eschew Biblical Ethics; it is to vote for evil.

Again, forget the personalities. That’s not what my comment is about.

Dr. Paul Henebury

I am Founder of Telos Ministries, and Senior Pastor at Agape Bible Church in N. Ca.