Why a third-party Presidential vote this year is foolish and irresponsible
“If you don’t vote Republican, the very world may end!!!!11!!1
I get his point, but this was a bit over-the-top.
I would also like to hear him address a related counter-question: “When will it ever be a good enough time to vote for a third-party candidate?” I strongly suspect that there are a lot of people out there who would stand up for our rights to have a multi-party system, but who would never consider voting outside of the Big Two themselves. Will there ever be an article written, “Vote Independent: It’ll Be OK!”?
If the overwhelming majority of Christians/Evangelicals/Conservatives got disenfranchised with the Republican party enough, what would it take to get them to go somewhere else?
If a Christian wanted to be instrumental in bringing political change to this nation, why is it that the only “acceptable” method is for him to come up through the ranks of the established corrupted parties-in-power?
If there is a burgeoning movement of YF’s that seek to leave the dross of generations past behind them and move on to other things, surely we see that the same movement is afoot amongst young conservatives with respect to the established powers before them? In that regard, Mr. Phillips risks sounding like the preachers of yore issuing the sternest of warnings to people that have already abandoned ship.
For my part, I find almost nothing worthy of commendation in either party. Yes, as Mr. Phillips says, there is no inherent wrong in voting for the lesser of two evils. But the parties look so alike in their behavior and pride and pompous windbaggery that I am fully prepared to write them both off.