MacArthur v. Driscoll: It’s discouraging to young Christians like me

Too bad Barnabas is such a whiner.

1 Kings 8:60 - so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is God and that there is no other.

From that link: “When younger Christians look to these prominent leaders, what do we see? We see discord between our shepherds and wedges being driven into the church over personal agendas and theological points that, while important, aren’t the heart of orthodoxy.”

Strange, that isn’t what I see or hear. So the issue of the work of the Holy Spirit is just a “personal agenda” and the Holy Spirit who is instrumental in our salvation, seals us, sanctifies us, and indwells us isn’t the “heart of orthodoxy?” MacArthur should just toss out the constraints of Scripture just so there is no discord? This quote above from the article suggests to me that push comes to shove, the writer will go with Driscoll. Right there in that quote you see his elevation of harmony and dismissal of orthodoxy.

This guy is either just writing an article so he says more than he really thinks, or he is like a cat distracted by the moving string of yarn! He actually wrote:

“To young Christians, like me, John MacArthur is known much more for what he is opposed to than for what he believes in.”

Apparently this young man has never been to and listened to the 40+ years worth of sermons MacArthur makes available for free. And he has apparently never cracked open one of his NT commentaries, or read the MacArthur Study Bible, or read one of several dozens of books outlining what John MacArthur painstakingly makes clear what he believes.

Very telling that a young Christian’s locus for Christian leadership is not the local church, but popular evangelical preachers. If this man is distressed, let him look away from para-church ministries and big name Christian leaders and cleave to his local church and seek wisdom from his own Pastor.

We see discord between our shepherds and wedges being driven into the church over personal agendas and theological points that, while important, aren’t the heart of orthodoxy

He speaks of these men as his “shepherds.” Ridiculous. His local church Pastor is his shepherd.

But this divisive nonsense hurts the church—real people who need and want to be led. It hurts to see beliefs and agendas wielded like weapons. What is it we ask for? We ask to be led, both in word and deed, toward humility and Christlikeness

This man has no Biblical concept of “the church.” The Body of Christ is organized into local churches. If he seeks leadership, let him look to his Pastor and the mature Christians of his congregation - his own local church, which should have spiritual oversight over him.

I also think it is ridiculous to compare Driscoll to MacArthur. Like comparing a Yugo to a Mercedes. It speaks volumes about his discernment.

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

MacArthur v. Driscoll: It’s encouraging to young Christians like me