Dr. Kent Hovind SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT- I'm getting married!

My four children enjoyed listening to his presentations when they were growing up, and benefited from them. His sarcasm was too strong at times but he had some good content. This new chapter has unfortunately showcased so many unchristian attitudes. Apart from the issue itself (marriage and divorce), there is a lot of pride and arrogance on both sides of the table. The Lord is not being honored and many who are already against the Gospel are having quite the feast. It’s very sad.

Andy Bonikowsky

My advice is not to assume that Hovind is telling the whole truth. He has proven himself to be untrustworthy and manipulative and those of us who are young earth six day believers do not need this kind of endorsement. His wife and son’s side of the story remains untold.

"Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." John Bunyan