Biennial State of Theology survey: 30% of “evangelicals” believe Jesus isn’t God

“though the Bible and traditional teachings of the Christian Church hold that Jesus truly existed as both man and God, among the key findings of the biennial State of Theology survey from Ligonier Ministries conducted with LifeWay Research, is that 52% of American adults believe that Jesus was a great teacher and nothing more.” - C.Post


This is a good example, of why churches need to teach and instill in their congregants Confessions & Catechisms. I am a bit disturbed the Ligonier framed this question as,

“Jesus is the first and greatest being created by God”

I couldn’t affirm that statement as it is more aligned with Jehovah’s Witnesses than a historic and Biblical taught christian principle. Maybe if it is said that he was the “begotten Son of God” it would resonate better.

They framed the question that way on purpose; it’s the Arian heresy. I always look forward to Ligonier’s State of Theology survey. It’s always horrifying.

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.