Tony Evans: Critical Race Theory? God Is Calling Us to ‘Kingdom Race Theology’

Evans: “My congregation is divided. … And now it’s interfered with our personal relationships.” And while “everybody talks about critical race,” people are talking about so many different things, “which means they’re never gonna agree.” - C.Leaders(link is external)

Related at C.Post: Tony Evans suggests ‘biblical response’ to critical race theory as tensions mount(link is external)


But a lot of “almost all” white churches think there are no race issues in their church… That is what the SBC has discovered.

So many important developments in our culture turn quickly into nothing more than negative buzzwords—synonyms for “whatever I don’t like.” “Critical race theory” has pretty much joined “wokeness” and “cancel culture” an the long-standing “the left” and “liberalism.” It’s a pity, because these things start out with some genuinely important points of disagreement. Then they get way overused and sloppily used until they’re just buzzwords.

On the positive side, I’m glad to see Evans speaking up on it and calling people to a tertium quid.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.