Faith groups urge State Department to abolish new ‘unalienable rights’ commission

“(W)e view with great misgiving a body established by the U.S. government aimed expressly at circumscribing rights through an artificial sorting of those that are ‘unalienable’ and those to be now deemed ‘ad hoc,’” the letter reads. “These terms simply have no place in human rights discourse.” - RNS


How dare they suggest that not everything somebody claims is a right is really a right! (Just think how many rights we’d all have by now if every time a politician declared something to be a “basic human right,” the right was created at that moment.)

It’s probably fair to say that in free societies, the most serious threat to real rights is the proliferation of made up ones. It could also be a serious threat in societies that are struggling to obtain basic freedoms.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.