“If the NT required multiple pastors for every church, this passage would have said so – but it does not.”

[Don Johnson]

For those interested, here is the final installment

How Churches Provide for Multiple Pastors

I have a different belief about what the scriptures teach about payment, but this was a good article. And even though it didn’t change my mind, it did temper my view somewhat.

Perhaps sometime I’ll have time to write about it, but in a nutshell, I think of payment for Elders kinda like Aaron thinks about moderate alcohol. It is technically allowed, but there’s so many reasons not to do it that it should be done a lot less than it is.

I think of payment for Elders kinda like Aaron thinks about moderate alcohol. It is technically allowed, but there’s so many reasons not to do it that it should be done a lot less than it is.

Isn’t paying pastors commanded? Those who preach the gospel are to live of the gospel just like farmers, soldiers, priests, etc. The elder is worthy of double honor. How can a church be obedient if they do not pay their pastors?

[Dan Miller]

It did temper my view somewhat.

It is technically allowed, but there’s so many reasons not to do it that it should be done a lot less than it is.

Dan, thanks for sharing your thoughts on my article! If you have an additional moment available, I’d be curious to know what content or point(s) you found to be especially helpful, having the net effect of “tempering your view.”

Also, I’m curious to understand how you have come to believe that pastoral remuneration is “technically allowed.” As you might guess, I take the opposite view, that *not* paying a pastor is technically allowed but not ideal (for the reasons I offered).

Thomas Overmiller
Pastor | StudyGodsWord.com
Blog | ShepherdThoughts.com