Texas governor signs controversial adoption bill into law

“Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed an adoption bill into law on Thursday that allows adoption agencies receiving public funding to refuse to place children in adoptive families or foster homes that conflict with the agencies’ religious beliefs.” Jurist


It seems to me that in today’s post-Obergefeld judiciary, this won’t last long, right or wrong in God’s eyes. It also strikes me that if Christians were motivated to adopt, it would be rare for a child to be put in a home to which the agencies would object.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

My only problem with the situation WHERE WAS THE FUNDY/EVANGELICAL community when the child was all messed up and was misdiagnosed with aids.

Why is that a problem? Perhaps they didn’t know about this child. Or didn’t have the opportunity to help. There appears to be no reason to think that the “fundy/evangelical community” (whatever that is) was hardhearted toward this child or any other. That is the kind of judgment that should not be made.

Perhaps a way of rephrasing things is that there are apparently about 100,000 foster children eligible to be adopted. If one family from each evangelical church in the country adopted one with support from the church, there would be zero. I’m not a good choice yet with six kids yet in the home, but as natural fertility wanes….really, if fundagelicals stepped up to the plate, we could solve this problem.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

One note here is that if—as I believe we should—we desire to restrict the right to adopt, we’ve got to have not just a hypothesis (“those who have sex with other men are likely to attempt the same with male children”), but rather a theory—a hypothesis backed by some data. At this point, we don’t have that. What we have at this point is about a number of studies that do not show clear statistical differences in any category examined. Now there is some difficulty in that many of them seem to compare with a control of single parents, or do not have a control sample at all.

That noted, we can infer that if we come out (no pun intended) against homosexuals adopting, we simultaneously need to come out against single people adopting. At this point, it’s a fight we just can’t win, except….by encouraging churches and couples to adopt and come together for difficult adoption cases.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.