Tim Keller, John Piper, and Andy Stanley Among the 12 ‘Most Effective’ Preachers
“This week, Baylor University’s Truett Theological Seminary released its 2018 ranking of the ministers who set the standard for contemporary sermons. It lists a cross-denominational mix of evangelical heavyweights ranging from Reformed leaders such as John Piper and Tim Keller, to classic preachers such as Chuck Swindoll and the late Haddon Robinson, to fresher voices such as Andy Stanley and Ralph Douglas West.” CToday
Pastors should ignore lists like this, which feature pastors who minister in contexts “normal “pastors could scarcely imagine. These men typically have staffs, admin assistance, and have much less preaching responsibilities than a normal pastor does. I remember reading Paul Tripp’s Dangerous Calling (because it was all the rage a while back) and throwing the book away when he explained how he spends hours and hours on his one sermon per week.
That’s when I realized in an experiential way (I already knew this intellectually, but it hadn’t clicked yet) that these men are in another world than me.
So, pastors, ignore this silly list. Study your passage for this Sunday. Figure out what the author meant for his audience. Translate that intended meaning for your congregation. Make relevant, practical application. Pray for the Lord to work through your imperfect delivery this Sunday. Go preach the Bible, and forget this list and the men on it. They don’t inhabit your world. They might as well be on Mars, for all the relevance they offer you.
You’ll do fine without mimicking them. Be yourself, and preach the Bible. Ciao.
Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.
“Or that a survey by Truett Seminary somehow found that one-sixth of the most effective preachers in the English-speaking world happen to teach at… Truett Seminary.”
I stopped reading the article when I saw Barbara Brown Taylor made the top 12 and John MacArthur did not.