Trump to Raffensperger: Find Me the Votes

“…the Saturday call between Trump and Raffensperger provides the best window into the intense pressure that the Secretary of State—a lifelong Republican who voted for and donated to Trump—has been under. Trump’s voice was raised for much of the call, but he sounded increasingly desperate as it became clear that his appeals to Raffensperger’s Republican ‘loyalty’ weren’t going anywhere.” - The Dispatch


I voted for Trump 2x and would again if Biden or Clinton were the choices. But it’s sad to see his character flaws (sin nature) show like this. He is a good example of good and bad qualities in leadership. The last few weeks of his Presidency are going to overshadow the good that his administration did.

Wally Morris
Huntington, IN

The good that his administration did, was not unique to Trump. The biggest area of impact that he had was on judges. But to be honest that was more about timing (Supreme Court) and Mitch McConnell’s speed and determination to get the other federal levels filled. Most of the other things he did were questionable at best or would have been fulfilled with any conservative president. Some of the things he did were just bad or a waste of time, in my opinion.

But through it all, what you are seeing at the end, was prevalent throughout his presidency. He is a habitual liar, strong armed approach, poor character….. It was interesting that Schiff, during the impeachment hearings said that he would do this during the election. I would say that he has minimal to no good leadership qualities.

I so wanted Trump to succeed when he entered the White House and was always waiting for him to become more “presidential”, but it never happened. This election was his to loose, and if he had approached COVID differently, this would have been a walk in the park. What bothered me is that as he progressed through his presidency he began to show more and more signs of a dictator than a president. More focused on himself than the nation. I am very glad that he is leaving office. But I am in no way happy that Biden is taking office. Just a bad conundrum to be in.

The Trump admin did much more good than you state. The work in the Mid East will be interesting to watch. His confrontation with China on trade was long overdue. His public support for pro-life was unique even among Republicans.

Covid did not cost Trump the election - His first debate with Biden was the turning point, as many saw his bully tactics and then voted by mail, especially women. Biden should have been easy to beat, Biden didn’t win - Trump lost it.

Wally Morris
Huntington, IN