“The decisions we make are not only determined by our worldview but they help to shape our worldview.”

12 Steps to Making Better Decisions in the 2020s - TGC


I don’t disagree with Joe, but I believe he’s tilting at windmills.

It’s hard for me to see past what is most likely (is) the reality that the vast majority of us are so blissfully unaware of how pop culture and post-Enlightenment thought have so infected our worldview as to render the implementation of Carter’s suggestions pointless. These types of things are akin to a game of pick-up-sticks. Or, rather, the children’s game of Operation. Good luck refraining from touching the vast array of precious idols that surround our every moment and every decision. Brushing up against those idols, of course, triggers a reflective response that undermines whatever the initial objective was to begin with.

I’m a lot of fun at parties as of late.