Predators, Wolves, and Recognizing Where Abuse Begins in Churches
“There is a difference between a predator and a wolf. A predator may come from anywhere. But the Bible gives a special warning about wolves—namely, church leaders who look the part but are dangerous. Matthew records this warning from Jesus” - Sam Rainer
Jesus is speaking of false prophets, and isn't a prophet the person who claims to speak the very Word of God? So from that context, I'd infer that the primary evidence of a wolf is someone whose teaching does not match what Scripture says. Then, yes, you do have the question of "fruit", but is that "fruit" one's doctrine, or is it the fruit of the Spirit as listed in Galatians 5:22-3?
No doubt the two may be linked--I'm not willing to discard the Galatians hypothesis out of hand--but it nevertheless strikes me that Rainer is possibly mixing two different things, the wolf as the false prophet and the wolf whose behavior is abusive. I'm not quite sure I go along with his exegesis--seems at the very least to skip a few steps of analysis.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.