Relying on God, Not America: A Report from the Church in Ukraine
“ ‘As an American, it was sad for me to see President Trump not supporting a country that has freedom and democracy,’ he said. ‘It helps to remember my most important citizenship is in heaven, and I think Ukrainian believers are sensing that more than ever now too.’” - TGC
One of the most discouraging things for me in all this is to see how many conservatives have bought the Russian lies about the conflict--that it's about NATO membership, that Ukraine isn't a real country, etc.. Back in the 1980s, conservatives knew better than to trust Kremlin rhetoric.
And it's worth a visit to the Suko's website. Inspiring couple with a lot of insight about the world over there.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
The fundamental issue: 3 years of proxy fighting have produced stalemate. America has spent borrowed money to fund the war. Much of that money has enriched arms producers and Ukraine officials, and wasted on nonmilitary uses. The author of the article stresses freedom in Ukraine but then later mentions forced recruitment. Odd. At this point the origin of the conflict is irrelevant. Are you and other Americans willing to commit more money and U.S. military to remove Russia from Ukrainian territory? I doubt it. Therefore some form of negotiated settlement. Otherwise prepare to spend more borrowed money and see U.S. military die.
Wally Morris
Huntington, IN
The fundamental issue: 3 years of proxy fighting have produced stalemate. America has spent borrowed money to fund the war. Much of that money has enriched arms producers and Ukraine officials, and wasted on nonmilitary uses. The author of the article stresses freedom in Ukraine but then later mentions forced recruitment. Odd. At this point the origin of the conflict is irrelevant. Are you and other Americans willing to commit more money and U.S. military to remove Russia from Ukrainian territory? I doubt it. Therefore some form of negotiated settlement. Otherwise prepare to spend more borrowed money and see U.S. military die.
Exactly. I am no fan of Putin and I do not agree with what he did. Still we have to face the reality of the situation. Russia is aligned with North Koria and both CNN and ABC are reporting about it (pay special attention to the ABC report)
If more countries get involved, expect China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba... to also be involved. How far are we willing to take this or should we look for a compromise to stop the bloodshed? These are not easy answers and I get why both sides have their opinions. There is an argument that we need to just have WWIII to stop Russia and China from advancing, but that is not something I would look forward to at all.