Relying on God, Not America: A Report from the Church in Ukraine


“ ‘As an American, it was sad for me to see President Trump not supporting a country that has freedom and democracy,’ he said. ‘It helps to remember my most important citizenship is in heaven, and I think Ukrainian believers are sensing that more than ever now too.’” - TGC


The Idol of Worry, or the Answer to Worry?


“You might think that worry that consumes us would drive us to prayer. The burden is deep, so we pray….You would think this would be the case, but that’s not always so. At least not for me.” - Chuck Lawless


No Problem Is Too Small for Prayer


“Do you ever feel too small for God, as though your worries don’t deserve his attention? As though he has more important things to do than tend to that tricky relationship, those hidden regrets, that dwindling bank account?” - Desiring God


Fight Political Fear with Kingdom Hope


“If we read all of Daniel, we note how powerful, awesome, and dangerous the kingdoms of men are. It’s no wonder that, while working in DC, I felt the oxygen sucked out of my chest when I passed a standing president in the doorway. But Daniel calls us to be captivated by something even more awesome” - TGC


Life Is Far from Certain, But Jesus Is


“Corrie Ten Boom wrote, ‘When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.’” - Randy Alcorn


The Principle of the Open Hand

There is a dynamic that each of us must learn by experience that has the power to transform our understanding of the Christian life. I call it the principle of the open hand.

I have tried to determine who first enunciated this concept. Apparently, it traces to Martin Luther, who stated: “I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.”
