What’s next for Ukraine? Let’s remember what this war is about
“However, faced with brutal repression by the Russians, then the Nazis, then the Russians again, and now Putin (Russia again), the record is clear: Whether it was from Lenin and Stalin starving the Ukrainian people to cow them into submission, or from death squads during World War II, the Ukrainian people have suffered and yet retained a distinct Ukrainian cultural identity.” - World
“Today’s Christian right is an unfamiliar force with its own distinct, and often unsettling, priorities.”
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
The new right also has many people from our churches. I recently unfriended 3 BJU graduates who are pastors at IFB churches, because I was tired of their posts embracing the craziness of the far right. I can just guess what their congregations are like.
Like almost everything international and political, the situation is complex. I am not sure to believe what the president says is really what he means, but my suspicion is the he wants to become buddy buddy with Russia. We live in a day where the Democrats hate Russia and more and more Republicans are drawn to Russia but getting skeptical of Europe. Certainly when it comes to social issues like Gay Marriage and the LGBTQ movement, Christians side with Russia. But what about freedom and democracy? Again, VP Vance’s speech castigated Europe for losing ground when it comes to free speech and the oppression we have all felt via political correctness. Russia is wrong to invade Ukraine and take their land, however, and that is obvious. And Putin is all about power, control, and ego. So the situaiton is messy. I am hoping that President Trump is saying what he is saying about Zelensky to accommodate Putin’s ego at Zelensky’s expense, but really doesn’t think that way. Hopeful but suspicious it is not so. I hope Trump doesn’t do to Ukraine what Biden did to Afghanistan.
"The Midrash Detective"