Helpful Hacks for Preaching from a Manuscript
“The aim of manuscript preaching is to make it look like you’re not preaching from a manuscript, which isn’t easy. I’ve had my fair share of fumbles along the way. But those fumbles have taught me some things.” - 9 Marks
I try to make different kinds of material distinct. I bold and double-underline the main points. I bold the main point of individual paragraphs. I make cross-references red. I make illustrations blue. I’m sure everyone who preaches from a manuscript does something like this. The biggest thing that has helped me not get lost in my manuscript is to keep my paragraphs short. It is easy to get lost in a long paragraph.
I find that a manuscript gives me freedom. Having thought out a sermon to the point of writing it out actually enables me not to be chained to it, yet I still end up saying most of what I wanted to say. There have been a few occasions when I had to preach when sick or had to preach with something heavy weighing on me, and I found that a manuscript helped me get through. On a recent occasion, I told a church member afterward, “That was rough.” He replied, “What do you mean? The message was a blessing.” Even though I was pretty sick and felt mentally discombobulated, God was good in using the manuscript to help me get through.