Is Science Incompatible with Christianity?

“This trope, known as the ‘conflict thesis,’ was popularized by John William Draper’s 1874 book A History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science. He tells a familiar story: humanity, on its upward trajectory of progress, is continually opposed by a blind-faith peddling, power-hungry church.” - TGC


I do agree with this article, but we do need to be a bit careful. Ethics can be done outside of the realm of Scripture. In fact, it is done all the time. Does that mean there is a place without Scripture? No, I believe that Scripture can provide an even better ethics model. But I think many an atheist if not all atheist would argue that what the Nazi's did or what the Tuskegee experiments did were wrong, and they have a well developed ethics model around this. I think a better argument would be not to use horrific situations as the test, but the areas where it is more nuanced and more challenging without a strong moral bedrock to structure it.