Anselm, the Ontological Argument, Faith and Reason


“Anselm believed that the fact that humans are the kind of creatures that even raise the question of deity suggests there is something about us and the world that makes the idea of God reasonable in the first place.” - Breakpoint


Why Doesn’t God Make His Existence More Evident?


“Why didn’t God write ‘Jesus Saves’ with the stars?…. As counterintuitive as it may seem, there is no reason to believe that if God were to make His existence more manifest that more people would repent of their sin and enter into a saving relationship with Him.” - Sean McDowell


“Recent scientific discoveries are forcing scientists to revisit questions of faith and to question their own questioning of it.”


“It is said that an argument is what convinces reasonable men and a proof is what it takes to convince even an unreasonable man. With the proof now in place, cosmologists can no longer hide behind the possibility of a past-eternal universe…. There is no escape, they have to face the problem of a cosmic beginning” - Imaginative Conservative


“Can God be proven? Yes.”


“Faith and reason have been divorced, and we Christians sometimes swallow that pill without realizing it. But it doesn’t have to be that way.” - Credo


From the Archives – Reason, Faith and the Struggle for Western Civilization: A Review

Some time ago, I came across Samuel Gregg’s book while perusing items at, and the title caught my eye. In my personal efforts to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5), I’ve frequently felt that I don’t yet have an adequate understanding of the relationship between faith and reason, and by extension, the relationship between the sciences and Scripture.


Does Christianity Require a “Leap of Faith?”


“Becoming and remaining a Christian requires a ‘step of faith’ rather than a leap of faith. And that step of faith is not unique to Christianity. Throughout life we do many things that require a step of faith.” - Roger Olson


Miracles Don’t Violate the Laws of Nature


“Although some earlier writers had viewed miracles as beyond laws of nature, Hume treated them as ‘violations’ of laws of nature. Once he adopted this definition, he insisted that miracles are miracles only if they violate natural law. Then he argued that natural law cannot be violated, so therefore miracles do not happen.” - C.Today


Can Science and Faith Be Reconciled?


“Does science favor unbelief? And must Christians reject science? Is science another religion that believers must separate from in order to stay true to God?” - Ref21
