‘It Has Been a Difficult Week’—Trinity Bible Church of Dallas Addresses Removal of Lead Pastor Steven Lawson
“If you’re a parent and you have a child, you discipline that child because you love that child. You discipline that child because you want what’s best for that child.” - Church Leaders
Related: “He fell today; I may fall tomorrow.” - Ref21
The words of the local elder as reported in the first link seem appropriate and pastoral.
The column in the second link seems arrogant and judgemental.
Don Johnson
Jer 33.3
Mark Jones always sounds that way, to be honest. And I say that even though I find some of his stuff helpful.
...for Jones to write that way, but after watching the disasters that have befallen many prominent evangelical leaders--Doug Philipps, Bill Gothard, the Duggars, Jack and David Hyles, Jack Schapp, James MacDonald, Mark Driscoll, Josh Harris, etc..--I would have to argue that his warnings about the perils of popularity and prominence need to be heard.
Very sad for Lawson, Trinity Bible, and the broader conservative evangelical community.
Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.
I found the second article refreshing. I didn’t find it judgmental at all, other than the use of “gods” which is hyperbolic. Celebrity culture is a cancer on the church and adultery is a tragic sin. Falling into terrible sin is also something that we all need the Lord’s help to avoid, something the article stated clearly.