“...free speech is at least as important as abortion — maybe more — and here is why.”
“Disinformation is anything the ruling party believes to be or declares untrue. To them, the Genesis account of creation could easily be disinformation. Let’s consider the following consequences of losing our freedom of speech.” - P&D
But it’s pretty rare nowadays to even find sources that are willing to criticize people or positions to their left and their right and even debate those pretty much on the same point of the spectrum as themselves.
Not really. Glenn Beck is an example of someone on the right as is Bill Orielly, Brian Kilmeade, Hew Hewitt, and we could go on. Even Rush Limbauh fell into that category and Mark Levin is willing to criticize almost anyone. On the left we have Bill Maher, Van Jones, James Carville, and even John Fetterman. Each of these people often criticize those in their own party, yet all of them are considered quite biased.
Not really. Glenn Beck is an example of someone on the right as is Bill Orielly, Brian Kilmeade, Hew Hewitt, and we could go on. Even Rush Limbauh fell into that category and Mark Levin is willing to criticize almost anyone.
In my experience, these guys occasionally would peck at a trivial negative now and then on the other side, but were rarely willing to seriously go against the flow of their market. … naturally. I mean, it’s their market.
I’ll grant that Kilmeade and O’Reilly used to pretty often voice ‘third option’ views on things. I remember hearing that a lot years ago. But do they still do that? I haven’t listened to either of them in ages.
If they’re still doing that, more power to them.
As far as I can tell, Glenn Beck is too deep into fruitcake territory to count much either way.
The percentage and weightiness of critical analysis matters. It’s almost like these pundits have viewership/base accounts. If you make lots of deposits with your fans by acting as an apologist for the people they like over and over, you can occasionally make a withdrawal and fuss a little bit about something. But because of our tribalism problem, a tiny criticism can be a large withdrawal. So, pack in in disclaimers and rarely do it.
They are still perceived as very biased because this is the balance in the account—by a pretty large margin.
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.