Graced Imagination: Recovering True Creativity in the Age of Authenticity


“Why does art (real, beautiful art, not just self-expression) matter to the renewal of our culture? Why do most people who visit Princeton University’s campus think that the Gothic chapel is objectively more beautiful than the new art museum, which reminds some viewers of a portable air conditioner hanging out of a window?” - Public Discourse


Works of Art: Visible Evidence of God’s Beauty & Glory


“When artists, be they Christian or not, create works of art, they are participating in God’s superabundance in one of four ways. First, their work bears witness to the reality of God.” - IFWE


Is it a Sin to Get a Tattoo?


“ ‘Is it a sin?’ in the minds of most needs to be followed up with a verse that says in so many words Thou shalt not write anything permanent upon thy body. Barring the existence of that verse, going under the needle is allowed by Jesus, right?” - Kevin Schaal


The Bible’s Beautiful Both/And


Bavinck insists, “To do full justice to religion, we must return to the central unity in man that is the basis for differentiating his faculties and which is in Holy Scripture designated the heart, from which proceed all expressions of life in mind, feeling, and will.” - TGC


The Invisible–That Is, Non-Existent–Sculpture


“We now have the work of art that defines our age…. The Italian artist Salvatore Garau has created a sculpture entitled Io Sono, which means ‘I am.’ It is invisible; that is to say, there is nothing there. He has sold it for $18,000. Garau claims that it does, in a sense, exist, as a sort of vacuum.” - Veith


Do we need a $300 limited edition “art-inspired Good Publishing NIV Bible”?


“But so-called ‘premium’ Bibles aren’t new. And while they may not carry the same steep price tag, a number of new and traditional Bible publishers are stressing the beauty of an old-fashioned book and the experience of slowing down to read at a time when so much of life is lived online.” - C.Today


Speech, Art, and the Masterpiece Cakeshop


“Phillips’ petition quotes Barnette that the point is to protect the private citizen from uttering “what is not in his mind.” On this basis the Supreme Court protected from punishment not just students from saying the Pledge, but an automobile owner who covered up the state motto “Live Free or Die” on his license plate.” Center for Vision & Values


The Curious Case of the Christian Baker – A Summary of Oral Arguments

This article is a short summary of the oral arguments in Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, which was argued before the U.S. Supreme Court on December 5, 2017. In the article, I provide a few bits of commentary. But, this is primarily a summary.1 Hopefully, it can spur each of us on to consider the issue of soul liberty in the public square in these troubled times.
