Fox News Anchor’s Trump Jury Instructions Claim Is False

“Merchan’s jury instructions were determined more than a week ago following arguments between prosecutors and Trump’s legal team. Despite Trump’s team arguing that jurors should be required to agree on a single underlying crime, Merchan sided with prosecutors, who argued that such special treatment would deviate from the standard application of the law.” - The Dispatch


Bert we can be a bit more balanced. Where are you hiding? To name a very small number of Democrats who are facing serious court cases:

  • Bob Mendez
  • Hunter Biden
  • Henry Cuealler
  • Cori Bush


  • Trump (who likes to whine on how he is targeted by everyone under the sun). Poor, poor Trump.

on top of that, if Trump was truly in power in his last term and was head of the executive branch. Than with all of his power he had at his disposal, including the entire DOJ, the courts and even the Supreme Court, he was unable to find any evidence against, Hunter, Joe and Hillary. There was absolutely nothing stopping him. And he was unable to find anything that would have held up in any court for these three individuals in his 4 years. So he needs to stop complaining and whining.

If there was something there, than I am all for going after them. I support the Hunter case right now. But the Republicans like to talk all of this bluster and the minions eat it up. But when push comes to shove it is just bluster and not real facts. Jim Jordan started this whole investigation in the House on Joe Biden. There was supposed to be all of this evidence that was just being covered up. Months later, we still have not one single shred of evidence that anything is there. If there is, great, lets impeach him. But I have failed to see anything at all reported by Jim Jordan, except that "something is coming". Which sounds reminiscent of the "stolen election". We were going to get some big news right around the corner. And nothing. No lawsuit even made it to trial, even three years later. Even the entire Maricopa county fiasco, actually found more votes for Biden. I am just stinking tired of the Republicans touting all of this corruption and it is just for the news and their base. Nothing there! If there was, Hillary would have been locked up, Joe Biden would have been impeached and we would have found something more than lying on an ATF form for Hunter.

He's facing an open and shut case of perjury for lying on a firearms application, when the information found on his laptop indicates that his dad was selling influence on foreign junkets and reaping millions.

And Hillary? Let's be honest here; the FBI never even took possession of the server. No subpoenas issued. You call that an investigation? Comey actually talked around the actual text of the law in announcing the "all clear".

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.


I never complained about Hunter being charged. If there really was a laptop with this information on it, then why isn't the Republican led investigation in Congress using it. If there was so much around Hillary Clinton, why didn't Trump, fulfill his campaign promise? Because there was nothting there. It was just a good line, "lock her up!" on the campaign trail.

So much evidence, but yet no Republican can really find anything to bring a case against anyone.

The thing that bugs me about the Hunter Biden case is this: He is accused of lying on a fire-arms application. Ok. Yes, that's bad.

But he took money (millions) from China and Ukraine, much of which was specifically earmarked for "the big guy" (Joe). Now billions of US dollars are going to Ukraine. And millions of illegal aliens have crossed our border, thousands of which are Chinese nationals.

I ask: why are we trying him for lying when he bought a gun when his real crime is treason? Same for Joe.

Anyone concerned about the miscarriage of justice in this case, which is far more important than the hush money case?

The Bragg/Trump case is dramatically more important. It turns on foundational matters (see Bert's several postings including from the U.S. Constitution) far more significant than national security and documents. Shred the foundations; what we'll be left to secure will not be the historic U.S. of A.

Secondly . . . concern for the U.S. Constitution and legal system <> Trump support

"I ask: why are we trying him for lying when he bought a gun when his real crime is treason? Same for Joe."

Because Dan, not everyone takes their facts from Truth Social. Real facts matter, and there are no facts at this point around any illegal activity. If there was, the tons of money that the House Republicans are spending on investigation would not be met with James Comer stating, he would just wish the impeachment trial to end and they move on with more important things.

But hey, maybe if Trump says that Biden committed treason, it will just magically come true.

David, please. We know that a guy who never held an honest job in his life for any length of time somehow became worthy of millions, right after his dad (often with him) went on diplomatic missions to those regions. So we would be left with two choices:

  1. All of these people go wobbly in the knees when confronted with a ne'er-do-well crackhead.
  2. His dad was selling access.

I'm going with #2, and that's the clear implication of the testimony of former colleagues of said crackhead. It's also the implication of how Biden's finances have changed since he became Vice President. The man has been seriously cashing in.

It is also telling, to draw a picture, that the laptop really hasn't gotten a single subpoena, but a crackpot dossier got an entire investigation--but never an investigation as to whether the dossier itself held water. Lots of guys were prosecuted to within an inch of their lives over a dossier that was laughably wrong.

You seem to trust the system; I'm watching it and there are certain things where I would be apoplectic if it happened to me.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

Well Bert and Dan, I recommend you quickly get on a call with the Republican leaders leading the congressional hearings into this. Because somehow the entire House is clueless. They are totally not catching any of this stuff in their exhaustive and expansive 15 month investigation into the Bidens. They seriously need your help and expertise. Because somehow they have not found any of this.

dgszweda: One important difference with your list of names - None of them are running for President.

Wally Morris
Huntington, IN

Ahh, yes, Wally. Forgot. People who do wrong are immune from criminal prosecution while running for President. You are right. This is like the Roman Empire.

I'm not surprised that we would have people that support and try to excuse the injustice that took place with this Bragg case. It is especially unsurprising when it is some of the same people that keep making excuses for promoting a party that supports the killing of unborn babies, the mutilation of children in the name of gender identification, the inclusion of men in women's locker rooms, the promotion of sexually explicit literature in our schools that encourages homosexual sexual relations between adults and minors- the party that destroyed the definition of marriage in this country, that promotes racism and racial tensions, that implements policies that promote crime, that promote policies that make it difficult for low skilled workers to enter the work force and gain experience so that they can get better jobs.... No, I am not surprised at all by the responses.

I am not surprised that we would have people that support and try to excuse the behaviors of an individual and a party. It is especially surprising when it is some from the same people that keep whitewashing an individual who mocks God, mocks Scripture, defiles multiple marriages, finds ways to use his power and influence to further his sins, ruins peoples lives, finds ways to get people to cheat and lie. Someone who, "does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar".

If we are going to start listing out the sins of the Democratic party, then we could also do the same with the Republican party. Both parties have plenty wrong with them. Both also have some extreme fringe elements, and those fringes have grown in size for both as well. However, in my view, it seems that the fringe element of the Republican party has become almost the mainstream these days, with many of their talking points not grounded in truth/reality. Even still, there are pros/cons to both parties. For what it's worth, I don't recall ever hearing someone promote the Democratic party here. Criticizing the Republic party is not the same as promoting the Democratic party.

I don't think either party fully reflects the kingdom of God or Sermon on the Mount ethics, nor is America a chosen nation. America is an empire and a religion with it's own liturgies and icons. As such, it's a competitor to Jesus Christ and his kingdom.

I saw this posted on Twitter a few years ago and it has stuck with me. I used to be hardcore Republican and could be described by all the points below except for maybe number 3 (and even that one to a slight extent).

Any person who fits neatly in a political party does not fit neatly in the kingdom of God. To “fit neatly” in my mind means a few things:

1. You believe your political party has all the answers to the world’s problems.

2. You find it difficult to criticize your own party.

3. You place your ultimate hope for the healing of the world in a party.

4. There’s a refusal to acknowledge any good from a different party.

5. Your social imagination is shaped more by political talking points than the gospel of the kingdom.

I agree with this warning:

Any person who fits neatly in a political party does not fit neatly in the kingdom of God. To “fit neatly” in my mind means a few things:

1. You believe your political party has all the answers to the world’s problems.

2. You find it difficult to criticize your own party.

3. You place your ultimate hope for the healing of the world in a party.

4. There’s a refusal to acknowledge any good from a different party.

5. Your social imagination is shaped more by political talking points than the gospel of the kingdom.

I can agree with this warning and still have some major concerns about both parties and understand that I could not in good conscience support at least one of them. I can also understand those who chose not to support any of them in any way, but I am not one of those who suggests that Christians should not vote or be involved in our political system.

I cannot help but wonder if those who fell into the pitfalls of the above list are more likely to swing to the extremes of rejecting what the party they most closely identified with does. I remember in my 20's, our county chair asked me to become more involved in our local politics and I told him that I believed the answer to our world's problems was reaching people for Christ, not in the political system. That did not mean I wasn't interested in the political system nor that I felt like it didn't matter- I just understood what was much more important and lasting. He was our country chair and a fellow Christian and he agreed. Although I am interested in having discussions, I do not want to become overly invested in the political system. I have Christian friends however who have run for office and won and are also having an influence for Christ's glory that way as well. Even though they are friends and share my party affiliation, I do not let them put signs in my yard because I do not want to let politics get in the way of my ministry in this community.

Nope. I just think it means something when prosecutors are permitted to use nebulous accusations in indictments and all the way to conviction. I think it means something when a judge allows that, and goes on to define three possible legal paths to conviction, and note that the jurors do not have to agree which path they are using. I think it means something when the former head of the FEC--and not a Trump appointee--is not permitted to speak openly on the nuances of campaign finance law. I think it means something when prosecutors revive charges that their own office, not to mention the DOJ, had passed on previously, after campaigning on the promise to "get somebody". I think it means something that the law used by Bragg appears to violate the New York State Constitution, as well as the separation of powers--the 2nd law used is a federal law.

No defense of apparently sleeping with "Stormy Daniels", or paying her off. But if the Constitutional violations apparent in this case are allowed to stand, nobody is safe.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.