Teen gender transitions hit roadblocks in Europe

“Norway, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom are among European nations that have backtracked on hormone and surgical treatments for children who struggle with gender identity.” - BPNews


....is that we have an active civil bar, and all we need to do to create real reluctance to do "trans" operations is to lengthen statutes of limitations. The deformations caused by hormone therapies, puberty blockers, and of course surgeries are lifelong. Hence the liability of the doctors who do them should be long--I'd suggest at least 20 years.

So if they don't make "furdarnedsure" that it is indeed the best reasonable therapy for a particular patient, they would face heavy penalties. Given the ever lengthening list of detransitioners (the numbers are big enough to do statistically decent studies), that would tell malpractice insurers that they don't want to insure such clinics and practicioners.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.