Cultural Evangelical: A State Level Analysis


“For cultural evangelicals, they reject one leg of the stool—the behavioral piece. For them, evangelicalism is primarily about tribal belonging (and perhaps some vague belief in the teachings of the Bible).” - Ryan Burge


America’s Problem Is With Civility, Not Free Speech


“The erosion of civility not only undermines the fabric of society but also weakens the nation’s ability to stand united in the face of external threats. It is a wake-up call to recognize that a house divided against itself cannot withstand threats from without.” - Providence


Take a Position, Not a Side: Towards a Healthier Civic Discourse


“Sides are intellectually easy and emotionally satisfying. Positions are intellectually challenging and emotionally complex. Once you know which side you’re on—in the culture war, or the political war—you can let your friends, or your podcasts, do your thinking for you.” - Persuasion


Attention Fox News: The truth will set you free


“Despite evidence never being produced to vindicate the claim of a stolen election, we now know that popular hosts on FOX News knowingly let unsubstantiated claims go unchallenged by guests, despite private messages that expressed their doubts about the election being stolen.” - World


The Scarcity of True Friendly Fire


“In other words, a person who seems as though he is criticizing his ingroup is often actually criticizing the outgroup he looks down on the most—the one closest to him.” - Ben Edwards
