JD Greear backs black churches’ challenge to SBC’s vote to ban women pastors

Greear “has backed the National African American Fellowship’s challenge to a recent vote by SBC messengers to ban women from serving as a ‘pastor of any kind’ as an ‘unnecessary infringement upon the autonomy of the local church.’” - CPost


Paul said, "Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me" (2 Timothy 2:13). Words matter. "Pastor" means what the Bible says it means; per Acts 20 and 1 Peter 5, it correlates to "elder" and "overseer." If per your tradition "pastor" has come to mean something else, go with the Bible over your tradition, however painful.

Michael Osborne
Philadelphia, PA

Disingenuous argument from Greear. A church can maintain its autonomy by choosing not to associate with the SBC. The SBC maintains its autonomy by specifying the conditions for association with the SBC. Greear is more sympathetic to Rick Warren's position than he will publicly admit.

Wally Morris
Huntington, IN