How Culminating Moments Make Work Worthwhile

“we have seen literal textbook examples of how the culminating moments will follow prolonged periods, and possibly even a lifetime, of work.” - IFWE


This seems to have a flavor of, "I know we all hate work, but hopefully it will be worth it someday." And, "I know there were Biblical models who didn't work, but even they did some work."

Work, Biblically, is a blessing. Not just the income that comes from it. The work itself is a blessing.

Dan Miller wrote: Work, Biblically, is a blessing. Not just the income that comes from it. The work itself is a blessing.

I agree that work was originally given as a blessing (and in many ways, it still is, of course). I think our view of work is colored by what happened in the fall, when Adam’s work became “cursed is the ground for thy sake…in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground.”

Work can indeed be very satisfying, and we need it, but much work is also now pointless striving and often needlessly difficult, even though it was not intended from the beginning to be so. However, being faithful in even that type of work will pay off one day for the Christian.

Dave Barnhart