ABC Series, GCB, takes "direct aim at Christians"

I read in this week’s paper that the ratings for the first episode of this show were in the toilet; it won’t be on very long.

I imagine there might be a few people who would take a show like this seriously, but I think most people understand that this is just one more insulting caricature aimed to stir the pot and create ratings. As much as being politically correct and tolerant and accepting blahblahblah is touted, no gender or group or ethnicity is safe from Hollywood making a buck or two on a hackneyed stereotype.

Sometimes if you ignore them, they really will go away.

Scenescape Media(link is external)

I never heard about it until I read about it on SI. Agreed, “sticks and stones”.…(link is external)
“Here’s to show you the biases of the elite media, look at the new show that’s on that has the word ‘Christian’ in it and I want you to take the exact name, drop out Christian and put in Muslim,” Gingrich said. “And ask yourself, is there any network that would have dared to run a show like that and you know the answer is not a one because anti-Christian bigotry is just fine in the entertainment industry but they have to be very protective of Islam.”

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