Television, aka TV

'House of David' review: Visually stunning and spiritually rich series brings Old Testament to life


“With strong cinematography, solid performances and a focus on biblical accuracy, Prime Video’s ‘House of David’ is an ambitious mix of drama and historical storytelling, capturing the fall of King Saul and the simultaneous rise of David with the scope of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and the character depth of ‘The Chosen.’” - CPost



A Comedian of Order


“Bob [Newheart] suffered the absurdities of modern life and made the middle-class man into a dignified figure, not despite but because he was put upon. Playing his own straight man, he invented stories that would show us our own conceited ways.” - L&L


Images of the Image of God: Thoughts on ‘The Chosen’ Series


“Everyone knows reading the Harry Potter saga is infinitely better than watching the films. So also the Gospels of the Lord Jesus Christ. As a medium of communication, the show falls short of its goal….TV is not more influential than the written or spoken word.” - DBTS Blog
