Christians, Moral Hazards, and Roy Moore

“The entire time, all the girls are lying?” the man shouted, right before he was escorted out of the event. “Why would they lie?” ….Pastor: “I would remind everyone,” he sniffed, “that this is a worship service.” One could laugh, or cry, or marvel at how much this strange episode eerily resembles a cut-rate, mawkish cable-TV stereotype of a benighted Southern church. National Review



I am so, so sick of “yeah, our candidate is bad but theirs is worse…”

Sick. To. Death.

Every election is that way, Jay. Romans 13 makes clear that the central point of having a king at all is moral issues, and in a republic or democracy, our central point as electors is to figure out which candidates will be the best, or the least hazardous, in that office. You look at the moral components of the candidates and their platform—what they will do and whether their character suggests they will do it well—and make your best guess. In a world stained by sin, that’s really the only thing we can do until the sinless King reigns, no?

It’s ickier today, yes, and some of the reasons why include that we’re willing to name sins today that (for example) Nixon wasn’t willing to name about Kennedy in 1960, we’ve got a habit of believing accusers without checking their stories, and the always brutal science of politics has gone up a notch. But if you read political cartoons from the late 1800s, you’ll see pretty quickly that it’s not as new as we’d think. Or, for that matter, read about the death of Cicero, which was basically a Mueller investigation on steroids.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

Why didn’t the accusers come forward during the primaries in Alabama? More than likely they would have prevented Moore from getting the senate nomination. Looks like a political calculation on their part.

Pastor Mike Harding

Probably the better explanation is the #MeToo campaign, which gained steam after the Weinstein/Hollywood sex scandal was the hot news somewhere in the middle of October. Whereas Roy Moore won the primaries Sept. 26th, which was 3 weeks earlier. Women across the country have felt emboldened to speak out against those who preyed on them, including Roy Moore (if the allegations are true). What’s interesting is that the woman that accused Moore of sexually molesting her when she was 14 has been a life-long Republican voter and even voted for Trump. And when the Washington Post showed they really do fact-check and scrutinize stories of sexual abuse against public figures such as Moore when they exposed the conservative media watch-dog Project Veritas, who was trying to bait them with a lady with a false story of how Moore impregnated her at the age of 15, the liberal conspiracy that Moore has alleged against him since he was first accused began to fall apart. When it comes to politics the danger for us conservatives is that our political bias reveals that we only see/expect depravity/sin-nature in those who are progressives/liberals, which leads us to functionally deny Romans 3:10.