When It Comes to Calvinism, Logic Can Lead to Heresy
[Aaron Blumer]So, how would you summarize your counter-argument?
Others above have provided Biblical evidence that the evil men do serves the glory of God:
Tyler referenced Judas, Eli’s sons, and the killing of Jesus.
AndyE referenced Peter’s sermon in Acts 2, where Peter points out that evil men killed Jesus, the very thing God intended for them to do.
The best example from the OT is the story of Joseph and his brothers. Joseph was an arrogant child because he knew that, as the first child by his daddy’s favorite wife, he was his daddy’s favorite. His brothers knew it to and hated him for it. He was eager to tell them about his sheaves dream, and maybe for the first time in his life, his daddy hushed him.
His sin and his brothers sin were all part of the process “…to bring it about that many people should be kept alive…” God purposed that the sin would lead to the accomplishment of His purpose, and yet He is not author of the sin.
James 1:13-14 states that “…God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.”
Both God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility are evident throughout Scripture. Insisting that Calvinism must necessarily affirm God as the author of sin is a misrepresentation, another in a long line. Olson had to stoop very low to pick up this pebble to throw at Calvinism.
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Long ago, I noted all the instances in the historical books that supported a compatibalist view of God’s sovereignty. I don’t have it handy, of course, but I challenge anyone to read the Historical Books and look for it. There are many, many more examples than Gen 50:20ff. It’s there.
Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.
I get that there is much evidence that God uses/overcomes evil for His glory.
I’m interested in more in the logic problem. Calvinism does make much of logical inferences and the conclusion that God is the author of evil seems logically inescapable. How is it not?
(I accept that God is not the author of evil, but in Olson’s defense, it is not easy to see how this is logically compatible with Calvinism.)
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
to play the “Mystery” card.
Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.
[TylerR]Ha, it’s true. The irony is, so many people claim that Calvinists/Reformed are rationalists, i.e., attempting to remove all “mystery” from theology. But consistent, Biblical Calvinism leaves plenty of mystery. How does one answer that God has a divine decree in which Adam and Eve fall—and yet, they make that choice freely (I mean, true “free will,” without a nature in bondage to sin)? I have absolutely no idea. But I hold to both.to play the “Mystery” card.