France Punishes Pro-Life Websites for False Advertising

“Being hostile to abortion is an opinion protected by the civil liberties in France…but creating websites that appear official but actually give biased information designed to deter, to blame, or to assign trauma is not acceptable.”


….what’s really going on here, though the article makes it look a lot like the attempts in the U.S. to impose speech restrictions on crisis pregnancy centers. Not knowing French, I can’t guess a lot more at this point.

On the light side, we could have a LOT of fun with the notion that saying false things can be punished….OK, let’s be honest, though, as we’d have a one in a billion chance of getting (for example) Obama punished for “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”, and a nearly one in one chance of getting punished for saying things that are true but not politically correct. (e.g. “how’s that promise about keeping your doctor working out?”)

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.