On an average, are you comfortable with how much time you spend at home?

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Will Rogers said, “…the government takes our taxes to build roads and the Baptists wear them out going to meetings!”

Church meetings, by and large, have become less, except in some of the “revival-driven” churches. But are we spending more time — or enough time — at home?

This is going to vary by time of year, phase of life, and numerous variables (many of us are bracing for a multitude of Christmas events). Most of us have weeks where we are gone or have something every single evening, but that is not the norm.

So where are you at? Much of this is subjective. Some people are homebodies or social anxieties. Others try to be on the go as often as they can get out. They hate to stay home, and rarely eat home cooking.

I am someone who would be home a real lot while attending occasional events were it not for the stretching effects of vocational ministry. By and large, the stretch has been good for me.

Share your thoughts along the way. This is a very individual question, tied to personality type, upbringing, health, opportunities, personal energy levels, how social we are, etc., etc.

You might hardly every be home, for example, but are content and happy with that, generally. So don’t worry so much about exceptions when answering this, but paint with a broad brush (or, if you prefer, a thick roller).

Poll Results

On an average, are you comfortable with how much time you spend at home?

I am mostly content with the amount of time I have at home. Votes: 9
My time at home is passible, but wish I had more. Votes: 5
Home? What’s that? I am gone too much or way too much. Votes: 0
I spend more time at home than I care to or should. Votes: 2
It varies and flip-flops so much, my answer is somewhat bi-polar. Votes: 1
:) I don’t have time to answer this question because I am out so much. Votes: 0
Other Votes: 0

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


We are now at a church that has fewer services (only Sunday morning followed by a fellowship meal and a mid week bible study during the school year). Our last church had SS, morning, evening, mid week bible study, and several other events. Personally I would like to have more services but would appreciate an attitude that is understanding to people’s schedule.

As far as the general question goes, I am home more now than previously and I must say its kind of nice. I think everyone should have at least one stay home no matter what day a week.

Sunday: 8:30 am Leaders Prayer Meeting, 9:30 SS, 11 Worship, 2 pm Nursing Home,

5 pm Choir Practice, 6 pm Evening Service

Monday: Pastor’s Day off

Tuesday: Visitation

Wednesday: Prayer Meeting

Thursday: Bi-Weekly Deacon Meeting

Friday: Youth Group

Saturday: Men’s Fellowship Breakfast and Church Visitation

Favorite Hymn: “Let Me Burn Out for Thee”

"Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." John Bunyan

Plenty of time at home. I am retired but I am busy with gardening, learning to play piano, and being music director at my Church. It really is a great retirement for the past 7 years, not what I expected, but very good.

I’m kind of in waiting mode b/c of my cancer diagnosis.

  • A year ago (October 2015) I had back surgery for a synovial cyst in my spinal canal. That involved a lot of tests & imaging & appointments and finally surgery
  • I have another cyst that in a different location that may (they said probably) need to be removed
  • In March 2016 I had prostate surgery and 8 days later the news that the cancer has spread .
  • Since then, tests, imaging, appointments and waiting
  • I don’t feel I’ve ever recovered from surgery. I am very tired at about 9 pm and I go to bed at 9:30. I nap almost every afternoon for an hour. And I am very dozy throughout the day. We took a long trip 2 weeks after my surgery b/c my Mom died . I used to be able to drive long distances but on this trip could barely concentrate for an hour.

^^^^ Not complaining - just the facts ^^^^

Our routine:

  • I study every day to prepare a Bible lesson for my wife and sister. We connect at 3 pm for Bible time. My wife beside me here in Minnesota, my sister in Fort Worth. We are now doing the Gospel of John
  • I wake at about 7 am.
  • On Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays I go to my office at Central Seminary for about 3 hours (30 mins of which is a coffee break)
  • We go to church, one service on Sunday only.