Jesus Never Said ANYTHING About Felony Home Invasion

This question, “Is it ever okay to lie?,” is related to your biblical theology of self defense. And though the Babylon Bee is serving up some satire here, perhaps it’s worth considering your biblical perspective on this topic - self defense, use of weapons, espionage, deception, lying, hiding, etc. I would recommend that you listen to the two-part series preached by Bro. Ken Burkett by this title. It will challenge your thinking.

Thomas Overmiller
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The question “is it ever ok to lie” becomes very real when your wife asks you, “Is my hair starting to turn gray? You can tell me the truth!” This is when the rubber meets the road.

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

Honestly, this question (“is it ever ok to lie”) often occurred to me when I was using deception while interviewing suspects in the military police.

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

Definitely take some time to listen to Bro. Burkett’s messages. He raises compelling thoughts from Scripture. Here are some questions to get you started:

  1. Is it ever okay to hide from another person?
  2. Is it ever okay to lie to another person?
  3. Is it ever okay to kill another person?
  4. Why do we make exceptions for killing another person (as in war or self-defense), but make no exceptions for lying?
  5. Why did Jesus tell the Twelve to purchase some knives before His crucifixion?
  6. Why did Jesus resist Peter’s attempts to defend Him from arrest in Gethsemane?

Thomas Overmiller
Pastor |
Blog |

Hello, Babylon Bee… Did you forget about Mark 3:27? ;) Although it appears to be presented in a positive light there, which is somewhat problematic….


The question “is it ever ok to lie” becomes very real when your wife asks you, “Is my hair starting to turn gray? You can tell me the truth!” This is when the rubber meets the road.

“Well, let’s take a good look at your roots….” Somehow I’m reminded of the classic way NOT to respond to one’s wife if she asks “Does this dress make me look fat?”. “Nope, dress doesn’t have anything to do with it…”

Seriously, a follow up question to Tyler’s would be “is it OK to deceive people by dying your hair in a naturalistic color?” Kool-aid red doesn’t count. :^) And I’ve noted to my wife that I’d prefer it if we both just went gray together. Silver hair can be gorgeous.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.