Can You Vote for Donald Trump with a Clear Conscience?
I can’t think of anything to recommend him, and I would be deeply ashamed as an American to have him as my president.
That’s right. I am a neverTrump guy.
Soli Deo Gloria Reformed Baptist Blog Immanuel Baptist Church
I just sent this letter to the Republican Party when they asked for money:
As a lifelong Republican, a strong Conservative, and a member of the Tea Party I am extremely concerned at the direction of our Party. When I see a Republican Governor vetoing a bill to protect religious liberty in Georgia, I wonder why I still identify as a Republican. I am not asking for a Christian government. Nor am I asking for a Christian Republican Party. All I ask is that the government protect my rights, given by God and recognized in the 1st amendment of the Constitution.
As a Christian I have often pointed out to family and friends the moral difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. It is heartbreaking to no longer see a difference. What ever happened to “character counts” or does that only apply to Democrats?
I will continue to vote for Republicans who uphold conservative and moral standards but will never vote for vulgar foul-mouthed entertainer. I am ashamed and embarrass to call myself a Republican.
I will give no more money to the Republican Party as long as Donald Trump is a leading candidate for president.
Richard E Brunt
Count me as a ‘no’ vote as well. As in never. Some might say, well, what if its really close in the polling and could tip either way?
My answer is still no. I would never waste the dignity of my vote on such a personage as Trump. And the truth of the matter is this will not be close anyway. Hillary would defeat him in a huge blowout. There is still a chance Trump doesn’t get the nomination, despsite getting 90 delegates yesterday. He still needs about 56% of the remaining delegates, and after winning more states next Tuesday will need about 53% of remaining delegates. Then comes Indiana a week later. Indiana represents the last chance to stop Trump. Some internal polling there has suggested Cruz is ahead of Trump. If Cruz wins Indiana, getting the lion’s share of delegates there, then we are very likely headed to a brokered convention where Trump is denied the nomination on subsequent balloting. If Trump wins Indiana, it’s probably all over.
I would be too ashamed to admit to people later that I voted for him. Especially if after he was elected, he would make a royal hash of things. However, instead of thinking of it as a choice between the lesser of two evils, how about seeing it as the lesser of God’s judgments. When David was told to choose between judgments, he choose the least severe one. That would be the only way I could vote for him in good conscience. Although, I probably won’t.
If conflicted over the “lesser of two evils,” here’s a “fun” option:…
It’s a definitive “No” for me as well.