Do you believe Adam's sin is imputed to everyone in the human race who is not yet redeemed?

There have always been many views on Original Sin. I think all of us agree that we are born with a sin nature and that it is impossible for us not to sin.

Do you believe, however, that we somehow participated in Adam’s sin because we were seminally present, or that he sinned as our representative, or that he sinned as our federal head, thus — untlil regeneration — guilty of Adam’s sin in addition to all our particular sins?

Please comment BRIEFLY if you wish.

Poll Results

Do you believe Adam’s sin is imputed to everyone in the human race who is not yet redeemed?

Yes, Adam’s sin is imputed to us all somewhere at or between conception and birth. Votes: 13
I am unsure what I actually think about this or am in flux.. Votes: 1
No, I believe we inherit a sinful inclination, but we are not held guilty for Adam’s sin. Votes: 2
I believe Adam’s sin is imputed to us at the age of accountability. Votes: 0
Other Votes: 0

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


No choice offered for Seminal Headship. Though I was taught Federalism and am generally Reformed in most aspects, this concept doesn’t square with scripture in my view.

The Jewish Scriptures portray actual participation. Besides Levi paying tithes, the whole concept of children being punished for the sins of the fathers rested on this idea: participation. However God calls people to repent and whoever does, is saved. Whoever responds was elected before the foundation of the world. The imputation of sin happened at the Fall and election to salvation shortly thereafter or even prior (prior is my view: Supralapsarianism).

I reviewed Federalism at and totally disagree with it. We are not saved the same way as we Fell. If we were, then Federalism would make sense. It is clear from Eph. 1.5 we were adopted in love. So the connection is different. We are connected to Adam naturally but saved by adoption. Federalism needs to have both Fall and Salvation representatively.

If we were saved before the foundation of the world (Eph.1.4) then sin cannot be imputed when we were born. We had to be saved from something, and that something is actual participation with the first Adam. So the aorist makes perfect sense to Paul in Rom. 5.12. Paul saw actual participation and alien adoption.

"Our faith itself... is not our saviour. We have but one Saviour; and that one Saviour is Jesus Christ our Lord. B.B. Warfield

If you look at the explanatory note, I mention the idea of being seminally present. Maybe I am wrong, but, in my thinking, whether we actually participated or whether we are talking about federalism, or representationalism — all three of those acknowledge imputed sin, the broad category.

Here are my words:

Do you believe, however, that we somehow participated in Adam’s sin because we were seminally present, or that he sinned as our representative, or that he sinned as our federal head, thus — untll regeneration — guilty of Adam’s sin in addition to all our particular sins?

Those three categories attempt to explain WHY Adam’s sin is imputed to us. This poll has more to do with “IS Adam’s sin imputed to us?”

"The Midrash Detective"