Kent Hovind Released from Prison

  • Relax, reacquaint yourself with wife, children and grandchildren. Eat some KFC (see video above)

  • Please do not disparage the IRS! Please pay all taxes. Please encourage all to pay taxes!

  • Do not “play the martyr”. You are not! You are a felon!

  • God has a role for you but please do not use flimsy creationist arguements going forward!

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Yikes, Jim Bob’s public relations consultant must be beside himself.


Yikes, Jim Bob’s public relations consultant must be beside himself.

If your name is “Duggar,” and you’ve just spent weeks (rightly or wrongly) trying to defend your reputation in the national/international media, who thinks,”Hey, I’ll go get myself photographed chumming it up with a guy who’s being released from Federal prison…”?

well, let’s see. Jesus was killed by the Roman’s as a criminal. Paul was arrested and imprisoned several times. Peter was executed as a criminal. Need I go on?

It s all about perspective. Apparently Jim Bob supports Dr Dino. More power to him…

In a few years we’ll all be visiting people in jail for speaking out against homosexuality, so we’d better get used to it.


well, let’s see. Jesus was killed by the Roman’s as a criminal. Paul was arrested and imprisoned several times. Peter was executed as a criminal. Need I go on?

It s all about perspective. Apparently Jim Bob supports Dr Dino. More power to him…

In a few years we’ll all be visiting people in jail for speaking out against homosexuality, so we’d better get used to it.

Mix & Match: Kent Hovind, Jesus, Paul, Peter. (Which one is unlike the others?)

As someone, somewhere I saw remarked: There’s a difference between being persecuted for righteousness’ sake & prosecuted for lawlessness’ sake.

The point apparently flew over your head at 10,000 feet.

The point is Jesus, Paul, Peter were criminals in the eyes of their government. We have no problem associating with them.

Jim Bob apparently is a friend of Dr. Dino. So be it. I am glad he was there to be with his friend. It means nothing to me. I don’t really pay attention to Dr. Dino, and I never watched the Duggar show. What does it mean to me? But I honor Jim Bob for supporting a friend upon being released from 10 years in prison.

I’m good with your comments and everyone needs friends. But this observation: Dr Dino is no Paul! Dr Dino is no Peter!

Dr Dino is a convicted felon because he broke tax laws!

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Jim's Doctrinal Statement(link is external)


The point apparently flew over your head at 10,000 feet.

The point is Jesus, Paul, Peter were criminals in the eyes of their government. We have no problem associating with them.

Jim Bob apparently is a friend of Dr. Dino. So be it. I am glad he was there to be with his friend. It means nothing to me. I don’t really pay attention to Dr. Dino, and I never watched the Duggar show. What does it mean to me? But I honor Jim Bob for supporting a friend upon being released from 10 years in prison.

…sign me up, I’d hope I’d be one of those welcoming him outside the prison while holding up a “We missed you!” banner.

To each his own, I guess…


ADDED: Mind you, I’m not saying his expression of friendship isn’t (in its own way) admirable; only that under his personal situation at the moment (not to mention Hovind’s…) it lacked discretion. Call Hovind up, meet him privately somewhere, throw a (private) party for him: whatever. But don’t end up being photographed in pictures that a national media already hostile to you (and Christianity in general) is going to jump all over.

[Larry Nelson]

Mix & Match: Kent Hovind, Jesus, Paul, Peter. (Which one is unlike the others?)

I am going to go with Paul. He claimed to be the chief of sinners. (What do I win?)

1 Kings 8:60 - so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is God and that there is no other.

[James K]

I am going to go with Paul. He claimed to be the chief of sinners. (What do I win?)

So in your view Paul is the outsider of the four, and K. H. is grouped together with Jesus (at the expense of Paul). Ah, got it. (Rolls eyes.)

I’m sticking with K .H. He, alone among the four, apparently believes that sin shouldn’t necessarily always result in repentance.

Paul’s sins (particularly as Saul) were grave, no doubt; but he freely and ashamedly acknowledged them.

something about being so blind so as to not see

1 Kings 8:60 - so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is God and that there is no other.