"(Joel Osteen) is standing on the shoulders of an occult tradition."

Julia Duin in the Washington Times


Looks like the writer highlighted in the piece is using “occult” rather broadly! It’s more like “pop psychology,” though some of the examples he refers to are more in the tradition of Christian mysticism. I suppose if “occult” is defined as “ways of achieving secret knowledge,” he’s not far off, but most of us associate “occult” with Satan… or pursuit of the supernatural while leaving God and Scripture out of it (which only leaves Satan and his by process of elimination).

Merriam Webster…
“Function: noun
Date: 1923
: matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers or some secret knowledge of them —used with the

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

I knew there had to be some unnatural cause behind his perfect teeth!

T. J. Klapperich Winter Garden, FL www.cbwg.org


Roger Carlson, Pastor Berean Baptist Church