Free Kindle Books at SharperIron
From time to time, Sharperiron has provided links to free e-book resources via the Filings sidebar. One of the issues that the site ran into was that Filing links tended to get buried quickly as new stories were aggregated and that it became difficult to maintain a centralized location of all the available resources. Several site readers asked if there was a better way to keep track.
Well, your requests were heard.
Starting today, the “Featured Discussion” forum will have a new, stickified thread titled “Free E-book resources.” We decided that the best way to manage the flow of information in regards to the free ebook resources was to segregate all the data into a specific forum and then make it so that a few SI users would be able to administer that thread, rather than having a large, ongoing thread with discussion of what resources are available, when they’re available, the merits of each resource, and other issues.
So, please send your free ebook resource links to me via PM, and I’ll post them as they become available. There are a few guidelines to keep in mind:
- The books must be free for download. Any format is acceptable, but Kindle, Nook, and ePub formats are preferred. If someone out there is willing to convert other formats to those, please contact me. Notable books that are on sale are aggregated by Tim Challies at his blog, and we do not have the infrastructure to monitor all these sales.
- The books must “Christian”—secular books, even of good merit, will not be posted—simply because we need to keep the list of books to a manageable level. The posting of any book on the thread is not intended to be a blanket endorsement of the content in it. As is the case with Filings, the links are provided solely for informational purposes only. As the old saying goes, “the buyer should beware.”
- On the other hand, if SI links to a book that contains a clear violation of the site Doctrinal Statement, we will—after verification—break the link and make a note of the error.
- The book information provided is as of the date the information is made known to us and is subject to change—if the book is free on Monday but is $9.99 on Saturday and you were charged for it because you didn’t notice the difference, we’re very sorry about that but will not refund you. If it is possible, we will try to update the pricing when we know it changes.
- Permalinks are best—if a book is going to be free forever, we will link to the site that says so.
SI is providing this information as a service to readers, and it is our hope and prayer that it will be a blessing to many. If there is any feedback or comments on this, please contact me directly via PM.
Jay earned a Bachelors’ Degree in Pastoral Studies from Northland Baptist Bible College and holds a MA in Pastoral Theology from BJU. He and his wife live in the state of New York, where he is currently occupied as the IT Manager for a small nonprofit. He enjoys reading, hockey, football, and hanging out with friends from his church or his family. You can reach him at
The list is up and available here. I have quite a few books to add, so check back in often!
"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells
Mike Woody
Ray Pritchard has some of his books available for free download:
All are excellent!
Thanks, Burdette! I’ll add these to the free book list tomorrow.
"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells
The Local Church of the New Testament (Dr. Richard Clearwaters) is a free Kindle offering from Central Seminary here.
Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.