The Gospel Coalition: Why We Have Been Silent about the SGM Lawsuit
Nothing more really need be said, the statement stands well on its own.
Don Johnson
Jer 33.3
[jhowell]but I am having a hard time finding anything to read on this posting. Is there a link missing?
On behalf of the administration, I apologize. We have corrected the mistake. The slacker team member, whom we found in the corporate break room sleeping, has been dismissed
Update: A handful have PM‘d me to ask if that is Tom Mount. Answer: No! He’s the other slacker. We are keeping him for now!
They fail to mention in this statement that Kevin Deyoung (of this statement) and two others asked by SGM to investigate found that CJ Mahaney used deceit and coercion with Larry Tomczak over issues relevant to the current lawsuit.…
Jim - So SharperIron let you go? hehehehe
"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells
They also don’t mention in this statement that CJ was the pastor of Covenant Life when Nate Morales, a children’s ministry worker, was accused of molesting children and pastors under CJ admitted to a news agency that they did not report the abuse and Morales continued on at Covenant.
The victim’s father told detectives that he talked with pastors about Morales, but there were “concerns of tarnished reputations,” and no police report was made.
Police interviewed two pastors who confirmed that they talked to Morales about the allegations that he was abusing boys.
Sorry TGC, you have formed a Christian body with a government which includes officers and disciplinary protocols, though elementary they be. You, of all people, those of the Kingdom of God for the sake of the banner of Christ know we are explicitly told to deal with such thing within the body and not relying upon governmental courts.
Some might object that SGM did do some of that and its inadequacy is demonstrated by your not knowing resulting in your ignorance on the matter rendering you impotent as Teachers and ecclesiastical leaders. You have an association with officers and a standard which has in place an accountability process. Do your due diligence so you can be privy to whether or not CJM indeed did reign over a system of abuse as was either too incompetent to know of such matters in such high volume or aided in their cover-up.
This is not a reason but an excuse.
The most telling lines in the article appear at the very end…
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karen campbell keeps up with many of these issues, esp as they might touch home schoolers, too. i appreciate her blog and her thoughts…
Together for the Gospel also issued a statement from Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, and Albert Mohler in support of C.J. Mahaney. It was posted Thursday night and removed Friday morning. It was initially published on T4G’s Facebook page. After over 100 comments (mostly negative) were posted, they pulled down the entire post without explanation.
A couple hours later, they posted the article on their main T4G website and like TGC, did not allow comments. Bill Kinnon grabbed a screen shot in which you can read the comments that were removed. Unfortunately, some of the comments were long and the comment was not “expanded” when the screen shot was taken. But you can get an idea of the quick response of people regarding this issue. People are outraged and these men don’t seem to care.
[Wayne Wilson]The most telling lines in the article appear at the very end…
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Wayne -
What wisdom would there be in allowing comments on that thread anyway? It’s not like people that disagree are left without resource (as we’ve already seen from other posts here). IIRC, there’s some 200-300 pages of leaked emails, documents, charges, and countercharges posted on Scribd or somewhere like that - and that was as of a few years ago or whenever the last time I commented on this issue was.
I understand it - SI deals with that kind of issue all the time here - but I honestly don’t see any merit in TGC allowing comments on that particular post. It’s not like anyone will be able to convince the guys that wrote it to disassociate themselves from TGC, SGM, or Mahaney.
"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells
it’s the juxtaposition of the two lines. The first one invites comments. The next line tells you that comments are closed. Both I’d hazard to say are boilerplate.
Hoping to shed more light than heat..
[Jay][Wayne Wilson]The most telling lines in the article appear at the very end…
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Wayne -
What wisdom would there be in allowing comments on that thread anyway? It’s not like people that disagree are left without resource (as we’ve already seen from other posts here). IIRC, there’s some 200-300 pages of leaked emails, documents, charges, and countercharges posted on Scribd or somewhere like that - and that was as of a few years ago or whenever the last time I commented on this issue was.
I understand it - SI deals with that kind of issue all the time here - but I honestly don’t see any merit in TGC allowing comments on that particular post. It’s not like anyone will be able to convince the guys that wrote it to disassociate themselves from TGC, SGM, or Mahaney.
From a PR point of view, I think erasing, then disallowing comments is wise…worldly wise. I would say letting people comment says you’re position is so strong that it can take criticism. They rarely deny commenters a chance to respond. But they have a habit of shutting things down in defense of a celebrity pastor friend. Personally I think they should let people comment on that thing the Bible calls being “above reproach.”
Julie Anne, thanks for the screen shot link. That says a lot about why they shut it down. The voice of the sheep must not rise to the discomfort of shepherds.
It is apalling to see the double standard being applied toward C. J. Maheny versus what these groups wrote about Penn State. It is inexcusable.