Olson out at Northland

I listened to his speech, and I believe he nailed it. First, I don’t think Olson wants anyone to feel for him. This was exactly what the Lord wanted in his life at this time, and to feel any differently is not what he wants.

Second, I highly doubt this is a major reversal for what Matt started. There is no way that he has been doing this in a vacuum for over a year with no involvement of the board or blessing. We have no idea why this took place, but I can guarantee you there is probably a number of things we have no knowledge about. It could be that they don’t feel he is the right person to take it to the next step, maybe he moved too fast…. We have no idea. But I would be surprised that the board all of a sudden one year later realized something was happening, and now are taking action. But that is just my view.

Again, I think his speech was spot on, and probably the best announcement like this that I have ever heard. I think it speaks to Matt’s character.

I know I may be in the extreme minority here, but I would like us to give serious consideration to what is said in this thread. I understand, sometimes, the value of discussing news items, but I also wonder if the discussion doesn’t easily and quickly turn into something less than biblical. I’m thinking of situations where people speculate about things like motives, what is happening or not happening behind the scenes, etc.

Just because the internet serves as the global water cooler where people gather to chat doesn’t mean we shouldn’t guard our speech. I hope if we ever found ourselves actually at the water cooler and people began sharing info that was speculative, gossipy, or some other form of busybody-ing. we’d object or walk away. It seems like we’ve had an awful lot of mud-flinging over the past couple of weeks.

At the end of the day, whether you agree with Matt or not, whether you like NIU or not, there are real people with real lives that are in play here. Let’s not operate at the level of pagan talk radio or blogs. If it isn’t good for the use of edification in order to minister grace, then I appeal to you not to write it.



…If it was not the rabid bloggers that made the difference, what did make the difference?…

The following would have much more influence than bloggers; Alumni, supporting pastors and churches, current student body & their parents…

[Dave Doran]

I know I may be in the extreme minority here, but I would like us to give serious consideration to what is said in this thread.

Hear, Hear!

Jeff Straub


I was reading a book called Crucial Conversations last week, and one of the things I thought interesting was our desire to frame what we don’t know into ‘stories’. If someone walks past us without saying “Hello”, or doesn’t invite us to an event, or changes churches, or resigns from an office- we begin trying to figure out why, sometimes with very convoluted plots and subplots.

Then when the real explanation is revealed, it is often much simpler, and- let’s face it- a lot less exciting than the stories we made up.

I think it’s time to pray for a whole lotta folks who need encouragement and wisdom.

I would hope this to be the majority here…that whatever is written here would pass the test, “Is Christ pleased with my words, and the way that I speak about brothers and sisters in Christ?”

Gal. 6:2: Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

John 13:35

Will they know we are Christians by our ability to figure out the who, what, when, where, and why at NIU?

With no knowledge at all of the why’s behind this decision by the board, may I offer a rehash of a tangent of mine whether it be BJU, Northland, Liberty, Wheaton, or whoever?


Easier said than done, I fully understand, especially in regards to the business & marketing climate these institutions have to function in. But there is a lot to be said about setting your course according to what you have determined to be right from Scripture and following that course regardless of who is for you, against you, criticizing you, or whatever actions are being undertaken in your behalf or to your detriment.


Many here seem to assume that this is a reaction to the changes Olson implemented. It is entirely possible that Northland continues or accelerates the trajectory they have been on. Perhaps the board is reacting, not to the practical changes, but poor management. All we have is a statement from the one being replaced. We don’t know what the board’s rationale was- we have no statement from them.

I’m not saying that anyone’s assumptions are wrong- just that it remains to be seen what comes of all this. This is just the latest event- not the end of the saga.

Whatever happens, matters are quite unstable for them. Depending on how things are managed from this point forward, either the support base or current student base are very much in play here.

Greg Linscott
Marshall, MN

No matter what you might think of Dr. Olson’s recent methodology, if you listen to his chapel message of April 29, you cannot help but recognize his graciousness. He continues to point people to our great God.

Steve Snavely

Listened to his last chapel message. It was very gracious and an example for all Godly men to follow who are buffeted by unexpected changes in life. God is sovereign and He is indeed in control of events (Rom 8:28). Best of luck to Matt Olson and his family.

Tyler is a pastor in Olympia, WA and works in State government.

[Greg Linscott]

Many here seem to assume that this is a reaction to the changes Olson implemented. It is entirely possible that Northland continues or accelerates the trajectory they have been on. Perhaps the board is reacting, not to the practical changes, but poor management. All we have is a statement from the one being replaced. We don’t know what the board’s rationale was- we have no statement from them.

I’m not saying that anyone’s assumptions are wrong- just that it remains to be seen what comes of all this. This is just the latest event- not the end of the saga.

Whatever happens, matters are quite unstable for them. Depending on how things are managed from this point forward, either the support base or current student base are very much in play here.

Greg is very close to the truth.

Jim, I thought *YOU* wanted to be President of NIU! Don’t you love snow?


"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin is...no longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells


Jim, I thought *YOU* wanted to be President of NIU! Don’t you love snow?


  • Minneapolis has plenty of snow (actually snowfall of Plymouth MN = that of Dunbar, WI). I actually enjoy plowing snow (image below)
  • I tried to persuade my wife to move to Antigo WI (near where she was raised). We visited last year for a family reunion. My case was this: Housing is cheap, we could retire now, it would be a quiet life, there’s a good church there, and we would be close to family. Response … well let’s just say I am still working and living in Plymouth
  • I would be a very good administrator but the Bible colleges want a Pastor-President. Not my thing!