Marty Marriott Named Maranatha President
Marriott has recently been serving as pastor of Faith Baptist Church, Warren, MI, and president of the Independent Fundamental Baptist Associaton of Michigan (IFBAM).
[Faith Baptist Web Site] in 1971 Marty Marriott entered the University of Cincinnati pursuing an engineering degree. Several people gave him a gospel witness and he was finally converted in November of 1973. Shortly after his salvation, he was directed to a fundamental Baptist church. He became thoroughly involved in the study of the Word and soul-winning efforts. In a short time, Marty was given opportunity to preach; the Lord blessed his efforts and confirmed upon his heart that should prepare for the Gospel ministry.
Marty transferred to Maranatha Baptist Bible College in 1974 graduating with both the Bachelor (BA) and Master (MA) degrees; he immediately pursued further training receiving a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). Recently, Maranatha Baptist Bible College honored Pastor Marriott with a Doctor of Divinity degree
[MBBC Bio] Marriott earned a BA in Bible and Pastoral Studies (1976) and an MA in Biblical Studies and Languages (1977) while at Maranatha. He also earned an MDiv from Temple Baptist Theological Seminary (1979) and a BS in Business Management from Liberty University (1990). Marriott received a Doctor of Divinity degree from Maranatha in 2007.Is the PhD statement inaccurate, or just not being mentioned for some reason?
Greg Linscott
Marshall, MN…
Pastor Marty Marriott attended Maranatha Baptist Bible College and Graduate School of Theology (B.A., M.A), Temple Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.) and Louisiana Baptist University (Ph.D.). He is a former church-planter. He currently serves as a trustee on the boards of Maranatha Baptist Bible College, Baptist World Mission, the Michigan Association of Christian Schools and the Independent Fundamental Baptist Association of Michigan (elected President in 2003).] Wikipedia entry on Louisiana Baptist University
Greg Linscott
Marshall, MN
[tlange] After reading this, it makes me wonder how long it will be before Maranatha descends into KJV Onlyism?In my time at MBBC (1977-1981), the school Greek NT in the bookstore and the classroom was the TBS blueback TR. The schools position was more pro-Burgon than KJVO.…
Taking a look at the position cited above, I see it as a well reasoned one. It reflects the view of a man who studied under Drs. Hollowood and Weeks. Remember, MBBC when Dr. Marriot attended was not BJU or a GARBC school. Drs. B. Myron Cedarholm, Richard Weeks, and M. James Hollowood were products of Northern Baptist Schools and Seminaries and ran MBBC accordingly.
Hoping to shed more light than heat..
What happened to Chuck Phelps?
Chuck Phelps New Pastor At Colonial Hills Baptist of Indianapolis
Hope those help you, Karl.
Greg Linscott
Marshall, MN
I guess I haven’t been paying attention. :O
He is also the son-in-law of the late David Cummins of Baptist World Mission. David Cummins left the pastorate of Faith to work at Baptist World and Marty Marriott followed him as the pastor of Faith. They have both been squarely in the Maranatha, Baptist Fundamentalist orbit.
I believe he will represent a good continuity for Marantha. He is an alumnus who was one of Myron Cedarholm’s preacher boys. I think this makes a lot of sense for the school, unless one is looking for the school to radically change.
T. J. Klapperich Winter Garden, FL
Edit: I’d add that I don’t think it’s accurate to call a school with more than a thousand students and forty some odd faculty a degree mill. It may very well not be up to par academically, but the term for that is “academically weak” not “degree mill.”
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
[Aaron] I don’t think MBBC would view the source of the PhD as an issue.Just curious- how would you explain its omission from any official MBBC releases introducing Marriott then, Aaron?
Greg Linscott
Marshall, MN
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.
Greg Linscott
Marshall, MN
[Aaron Blumer] Edit: I’d add that I don’t think it’s accurate to call a school with more than a thousand students and forty some odd faculty a degree mill. It may very well not be up to par academically, but the term for that is “academically weak” not “degree mill.”I agree. I don’t know this school in particular, but I’ve always thought of a diploma mill as a guy in an office with a really nice PC and printer mailing out diplomas in exchange for checks received. Maybe a short thesis gets worked in there somewhere, but never seriously looked at.
Hey! I just had a great idea for a church fund-raiser!