Coral Ridge Pastor Talks About "When Churches Have Disputes"
I know next to nothing about Tullian Tchividjian, but he evinces God-given humility in this article.
That article is a good read…
Voting currently taking place
I am at home awaiting the outcome of the congregational meeting taking place as I write this. …. I am not afraid. ….. I have one General and he has given me one mission: to spread the glory, the preeminence, the majesty, and the legacy of Christ and Christ alone. Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me!,0,2971…
Members of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church turned back an attempt to fire Pastor Tullian Tchividjian, voting in his favor today by a two-thirds margin.
After a contentious, two-hour congregational meeting closed to non-members, Tchividjian won 940 of 1,362 ballots cast at the Fort Lauderdale church.
“It’s a younger and more energetic congregation,” explained church elder Bill Ashcraft. “He’s young, he relates to them and he motivates them to put shoe leather on their beliefs.”
Tchividjian, 37, did not attend the meeting, but promised a statement later today. Sources said he was visiting his father who is in Broward General Medical Center recovering from liver transplant surgery.
Today’s vote had been required by church law after dissidents turned in nearly 400 petitions calling for his ouster.
The meeting took the place of the church’s regular 11 a.m. worship service. Members of the Presbyterian Church in America, based in Atlanta, ran the meeting to ensure fairness, said Mark DeMoss, a Christian public relations specialist hired as church spokesman.