Matt Olson: "it is more hurtful than we realize. There is no getting around it. It is difficult to comprehend [the] carnage"

Ed Norton - Sewer worker


The Song of the Sewer – Art Carney

I work in the sewer, It’s a very hard job. You know they won’t hire Just any old slob. You don’t have to wear A tie or a coat. You just have to know How to float.

My observations:

  • First … in response to Matt’s article. Who said: “We must face the fact that every man has the same rotten flesh, lives in the same fallen world, and has the same common enemy (Satan) who is out to destroy. We should beware, lest in our criticism and evaluation we fail to see our own vulnerability.”. Answer … yes … and we need to be reminded of this!
  • Now the sewer reference: That sewer had to be flushed out! I have nothing in common with Jack Schaap or Hyles / Anderson. I never was that kind of wacko fundamentalist and I never will be. I doubt Schaap is even saved. The guy did not handle the Word of God appropriately and he was his own authority! It stinks for the moment but it is their stink. Praise the Lord for the dismissal of Jack Schaap. (I do grieve for the young woman who was defiled!)
  • All Jack Schaap wanna-be’s …. you’ll fall too!
  • Advice to all First Baptist Hammond true Christians: Walk out. Don’t look back. Find a church that truly teaches the Bible and has humble leadership!
  • Advice to Hyles-Anderson students … Don’t go back. Transfer to MBBC, NBBC, BJU, Faith or some other Christ-honoring place that does not have a statue of an adulterer!

It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it!

Matt Olson’s article is, from my side of the rock, top dead center.

Bob Rogish

I know my flesh, my pride and my vulnerability and thank God daily for not leading me into temptation and delivering me from evil. (Guess what I’m preaching on Sunday.) But for 30 plus years I’ve been “encouraged” not to talk about the well-known fundamentalist (?) pastors and evangelists who have been discovered to be adulterers and drunkards but heard contempt heaped on brethren simply because they were not exactly like “us” and loud condemnation of Jimmy Swaggert and Jim Bakker because they were fair game.

We need to get Ed Norton over to our place to flush out our pipes.

"Some things are of that nature as to make one's fancy chuckle, while his heart doth ache." John Bunyan

Dr. Olson is right to remind us that we are all capable of sin and that “proper” theology and polity does not protect anyone from falling to temptation. But, ironically, I think there is a case to be made that “that poor theology, abused polity, and a distorted philosophy of ministry” did lead to precisely his second point: the extent of the fallout of sin.

The sheer number of people affected is directly proportional to the extent that poor theology and church polity exalted a specific man and gave him a god-like position. When church members are taught to elevate a man without also understanding that he is capable of severe sin simply by nature of his humanity, it undermines their faith when he comes crashing down. Maybe we can say that while proper theology and better accountability do not necessarily keep us from falling, it does minimize the effects when we do.

[Alex Guggenheim] Olson’s article sets the stage for a thoroughly humble but objective, caring an[d] corrective analysis of the entirity of Olson’s and Abberant-Fundamentalism. Thank you.

Just thought this might be worth repeating.

Doesn’t the article that you posted, and being discussed here, say it is written by G.A. Dietrich, and not by Matt Olson?

Gerry Carlson

It looks that way, although it could be a case of Deitrich putting it up for Olson (if Olson is on a trip or something).

"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells

Alex’s separate descriptors, “Olson’s” and “aberrant”, modify “fundamentalism” in that sentence, not each other.

The point is Dr. Olson advocates the same frank evaluation to which many critics have fairly recently wished he would be subject.


Alex’s separate descriptors, “Olson’s” and “aberrant”, modify “fundamentalism” in that sentence, not each other.

The point is Dr. Olson advocates the same frank evaluation to which many critics have fairly recently wished he would be subject.

Perhaps I misunderstood Alex’s comment. Thanks for pointing this out to me


It looks that way, although it could be a case of Deitrich putting it up for Olson (if Olson is on a trip or something).

Nailed it! I handle the posting and technical side of the site for Dr. Olson…he author’s all of his own content. This was a case of not changing the author in Wordpress…which happens just about every time I post something, but this time I didn’t double check it. Thanks for point it out.

Yeah, I’ve had that happen to me too…thanks for clearing it up!

"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells

Praying for the victim(s).

Praying for those good people at FBCH that are hurting right now.

Praying that many will leave FBCH and find a good, Christ-exalting, and Gospel-centered church.

Matthew Richards