What do you do when you see disguised profanity ("OMG", "Gosh", "BS", etc) from professing Christians on a public forum?

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Poll Results

What do you do when you see disguised profanity (“OMG”, “Gosh”, “BS”, etc) from professing Christians on a public forum?

I’m not bothered. Worrying about that stuff is so “yesterday.” I might even use those terms myself. Votes: 1
I quietly wish Christians wouldn’t do that, but say nothing Votes: 1
I try to contact the person privately Votes: 2
It’s a public offense, and I respond publicly Votes: 0
I wait a couple days to see if a moderator will remove it Votes: 0
I decide I’m not in tune with these people, walk away from the forum, and never go back Votes: 0
I “take the temperature” of the forum by waiting a while to see if anyone at all responds Votes: 0
I might wait a while to see if the moderators or anyone else addresses it, but I WILL say something if no one does Votes: 2
I respond indirectly to try to raise awareness of people who may not even have thought about it. Votes: 1

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


Send the mods a flag because if something like that is still on the board, it’s highly likely that they missed it.

I do not get offended by expletives, intentional, unintentional, or by way of masked acronym and intials. It is distasteful at times but I must say what is far more distasteful and in fact, offensive are dealing with posts and attitides by people that are dripping with consescending arrogance while complaining about it in others as well as duplicitousness where one person is held to one standard and preferred others and the poster himself or herself held to another. I would rather encounter the former than the latter. Interesting I find such self-righteous personalities highly populated by allegedly enlightened and mature saints who excel at smaller virtues such as avoiding expletives in order to master the art of insult and condescension in a manner which allows them to raise their hands as if they are clean because they did not use expletives or any other “obvious” indiscerte language.

To me, most often indiscrete language stems from immaturity, a lack of awareness or a moment of frustration but it is far less nefarious than expletives. And for the record this is not a personal response with JG in view nor an attempt to imply JG’s post and poll is short-sighted. I have a great deal of respect for JG and am simply giving my view as a poster as requested. But I felt it necessary to qualify my comments lesr I be accused of something other than what is intended.

Feel free to criticise my posts if you want, I’ll survive it. :)

So I’m not entirely sure. Do you respond in any way, or ignore it? The question wasn’t really whether you find it distasteful, or other things distasteful, but how you respond. If you think it isn’t fully appropriate, should we ignore it? And if not, how should we handle it?

[Susan R] Send the mods a flag because if something like that is still on the board, it’s highly likely that they missed it.
Or PM the mods…on some sites, the Mods will get an email when they get a PM, but may not see a flag until they actually login to the site and check for flagged posts.

"Our task today is to tell people — who no longer know what sin is...no longer see themselves as sinners, and no longer have room for these categories — that Christ died for sins of which they do not think they’re guilty." - David Wells


Yes, I am guilty of soapboxing to the point of failing to answer the question :) . I, personally, believe it is good, in as much as possible, to overlook such foibles in the midst of possibly more immediate and important concerns. That is not to say we cannot or should not thoughtfully bring it to the attention of a brother or sister but if we do so without having earned their good will we probably not get far.

I don’t believe that one is better or worse than the other when comparing arrogance, condescension, and profanities/obscenities. I know what I feel, which is that a profanity- taking the Lord’s name, (or initials) in vain is worse than using slang to refer to, say a scatological or anatomical term. But I still don’t think it wise to label one as worse than the other. Both stem from wrong attitudes.

As far as forum conduct goes, there is a Comment Policy that gives a basic outline of what is and isn’t appropriate, and a flagging and PM system to notify mods of infractions, perceived and actual. But at some point you have to just let people be people. I certainly don’t want to be a Forum Nanny.

I am with JG. We should remove these people, who use these vile acronyms and have no regard for the presence of women and children.

[christian cerna] We should remove these people, who use these vile acronyms and have no regard for the presence of women and children.
Discipleship prefers correction to removal.