Academic conference seeks to normalize pedophilia

Academic conference seeks to normalize pedophilia According to the sponsoring organization’s website, the event will examine ways in which “minor-attracted persons” can be involved in a revision of the American Psychological Association (APA) classification of pedophilia.


[RPittman] Are there no limits? First, homosexuality followed pretty much this same path. Now, it is pedophilia. Where will it stop? Once we’ve started sliding down the slippery slope, there’s no stopping.

Not sure which will be pushed for legalization next—polygamy or sibling incest. But they are coming, what with the entertainment industry already normalizing them to a certain degree. Our nation is a pagan nation, and immorality of all kinds is a trademark characteristic of paganism. That is why there are such stringent prohibitions against idolatry and its accompanying immorality being even slightly included in the church or individual believers’ life beginning with Acts 15 and continuing throughout the rest of the NT.


…there should be no doubt that our culture is poised to begin embracing pedophilia as a lifestyle choice, just like homosexuality. A group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals called B4U-Act, which has representatives from Harvard and Johns Hopkins, gathered recently in Baltimore to organize their push to change the negative perception of pedophiles and encourage them to get help in a nonjudgmental environment…

I’ve told more than one of my patients that his real diagnosis, given his behavior in embracing drugs, instead of his family or employment, shouldn’t be alcohol dependence or heroin dependence, but “scumbag.” And I then have quickly added that they can do better than that—that they must choose to do better than that, because, deep inside, they are good and decent and lovable. I tell them they can find the courage to do the right thing, instead of the wrong thing. Yes, I sometimes use the word “wrong.” I judge them. It helps.…]