CDC Warns Public to Prepare for 'Zombie Apocalypse'

So the CDC adopts a ‘whatever works’ approach for disseminating information about disaster preparedness, and zombies are apparently the gimmick du jour.

While the point was that preparing for a zombie apocalypse would prepare your for large-scale catastrophes that actually could happen, they left out some things, like a shotgun, a rifle, and lots of ammo for both.

You could not survive a large-scale zombie attack without them, and they are also useful for many other situations.

Despair does not lie in being weary of suffering, but in being weary of joy. G.K. Chesterton

True- in any apocalyptic event, there are going to be those who act like zombies, mindlessly destroying others in their efforts to survive. Preparing to defend oneself would be part of any thorough disaster plan.

I usually enjoy dystopian and post-apocalyptic fiction, and started trying to read The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I’ve read enough reviews to know what I’m in for, so I can’t get very far in it. Very, very bleak.

Baptist have been doing this for 100 years.

This kind of lifting of non-crises into public awareness while real crises are ignored has characterize the Obama Administration’s time in office. Here they are, warning about zombies while our kids become enamored of the far-more prevalent vampires!

Didn’t read the CDC post… did they mention garlic and salt… wooden stakes, holy water and crosses?
Zombies are trouble, Vampires are trouble, but the real killers are Zombie Vampires. (If you really want to get creeped out some time read the original I Am Legend… the CDC should consider making it the “Official CDC Novella”… it has both zombies and infectious disease.)

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

[dan] While the point was that preparing for a zombie apocalypse would prepare your for large-scale catastrophes that actually could happen, they left out some things, like a shotgun, a rifle, and lots of ammo for both.

You could not survive a large-scale zombie attack without them, and they are also useful for many other situations.

meh, no need for guns. I have Alice on speed dial.

Will they be coming in the motorcycle hearses?

And I thought you guys were spiritual and read nothing but your Scofield Bibles :-).
David R. Brumbelow

PS - But I agree a gun can be mighty handy.